About Us

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Our Philosophy

Life is hard! Especially if you’re someone who feels different, disconnected, or damaged. It can be exhausting trying fit into a nice, neat little box, or live up to society’s narrow and unrealistic expectations. That’s where we come in. Deepwater Counseling was founded to be a harbor for those who are hurting the most. We offer a welcoming and inclusive space where you can be yourself. A nonjudgmental space where you can be heard. An encouraging space where you can learn how to be the most healthy, most authentic version of you.

We’re Here to Help!

Whether you’re a current client or not, we’re here to help! From individual and couples therapy sessions to free workshops, support groups, and other resources, let us be your one-stop shop for all things mental wellness. Ready to set up counseling sessions? Contact us here. Not quite there yet, or looking for something to help with your healing journey in between sessions? Check out some of our free resources designed to help you manage stress, anxiety, depression, anger, and more here.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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